Just a little mulling today as I kick around my weekly line up. Mondays I have Morigan and Freya slated. Tuesday is Tyr and Cernunnos. Wenesday is Odin and Dagda. Thursday right now is just Thor though I might start working with Lugh..... not sure yet. Friday is Brigid and Frigga.
The basic run down of what I do each day is a *short* meditation/devotional that consists of lighting a candle and saying thatnk you to them for three things I feel they have been doing. an example is "mother Morrigan and blessed (thinking about changing that doesn't seem to feel quite right) Freya, thank you for watching over me and my daughters, thank you for watching over my family, and thank you for watching over our safety."
Short sweet and too the point. that is pretty much me with my adaptable KISS (keep it simple silly) style. though i am feeling the urge to step things up some by personalising things a bit more for each deity involved.
I am going to have to poke some more at the book I have called 'A book of pagan prayer' by Ceisiwr Serith.
Also need to remember to get more tea light candles. Best bang for the buck since I can't really afford to do offering other then special occations. Maybe if I can get a good enough stash of herbs layed up I can make my own insence. :)
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