Tuesday, June 2, 2009

a day of pleasant surprises.

Well today I had the joy of watching not one or two wrens hop about the yard but at least three. I know that when two of them, males I am presuming, weren't going at it full tilt with the verbal throw downs they were dog fighting all over the yard. Now, that was a show to see! Since we moved in there has always been one wren popping up now and then but to have at least three and a air show to boot. :)

It made me think about the wren's place in celtic lore that I have read. The plucky little trickster like character who uses his brains to win over brawn. I always did love a character who could find a way through a problem.

I'm taking this as a slight omen for the general lay of things for my household. We worry about what the future holds yet at the same time we keep taking steps as we can to make sure that our butts are covered in case of any form of emergency.

Now I am going to kick back and watch this storm roll in. It is already giving a nice light show. :D